Teaching Retreats

In 2009, a Mahayana Buddhist study and practice programme, led by the Lama Geshe Tenzing Tamding, was launched with various study and meditation contents. In accordance with the wishes of his root Guru, Kyabye Khensur Tamding Gyatso Rinpoche, the Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding designed a first ten-year study programme.

In the summer of 2018 a first group of disciples, about forty, completed the first ten years of study. In the spring of 2019 the study programme was continued with the celebration of the eleventh course (PHILOSOPHY COURSE 1st PROMOTION) and, at the same time, the Monastery and the Chu Sup Tsang Foundation, which is directed by Ven. Lama Geshe Tenzing Tamding, the Monastery and the Chu Sup Tsang Foundation, which is directed by Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding, offered the opportunity to start the ten-year study programme again from the beginning to all people, Buddhist practitioners or not, who want to learn and deepen their knowledge of the authentic and most qualified Buddhist philosophy through the study of the so-called Five Great Themes (2nd PHILOSOPHY COURSE).


The 2nd PROMOTION COURSES have 2 annual convocations: May bank holiday (1st convocation) and December 6th, 7th, 8th (2nd convocation). Generally, the 2nd promotion courses are led by H.E. Nyari Tritul Rinpoche, Master belonging to the community of Chu Sup Tsang Monastery.

The 1st PROMOTION PHILOSOPHY COURSES are held twice a year: at Easter (1st convocation) and from August 2nd to 8th (2nd convocation). These more advanced courses are led by Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding, with the assistance of H.E. Nyari Tritul Rinpoche, Ven. Geshe Lobsang Yeshi and Ven. Geshe Champa Ngodrub, masters belonging to the Chu Sup Tsang community.

The content of the syllabus is as follows:

Part of the Sutra

It comprises the Five Great Themes studied in the Guelugpa monastic universities:

1. TSEMA: Valid cognition. Study of the text Tsema Namdrel (Pramanawaticakarica) Commentary on valid cognition. Author: Darmakirti. Also includes study of lorig (Science of mind) and tarig (Science of reasoning).

2. PARCHIN: Perfection of wisdom. Study of the text Parchin Chidon. Author: Penchen Sonam Dragpa.

3. UMA (Madyamika) Middle Way Philosophy. Study of the text Uma Gongparabsel. Author: Ye Lama Tsongkhapa.

4. DZÖ (Abidarmakosha) Treasury of knowledge. Author: Vasubandu.

5. DULWA: Study of ethics (Pratimosha vows, bodhisattva vows and tantra vows).

These Five Great Themes are combined with the LAM RIM (Gradual Path to Enlightenment).

Part of Tantra

Study of the text Nga Salam, ‘Bumis and Paths of Tantra’. Author: Sertok Lobsang Tsultrim Gyatso.

(To be able to listen to the tantra teachings it is essential to have a higher tantra initiation by a qualified teacher).

The teaching of this text is given in combination with INITIATIONS and transmission of SADANAS from:








How to complete the Buddhist Studies Programme

For the true Buddhist practitioner, in addition to study, analysis, meditation and putting the teachings into practice, it is essential to gradually complete the practice of the ‘four preliminaries’ following the instructions of his Master. The four preliminaries are:

111.111 prostrations.

111.111 mandala offerings.

111.111 recitations of the hundred-syllable mantra of Vajrasattva.

111.111 recitations of the refuge-taking mantra.

The four preliminaries are completed by 111,111 recitations of the Green Tara mantra, and 111,111 recitations of Lama Tsongkhapa's Migtsema prayer.

It is very important to receive oral transmission of the teachings being studied. This oral transmission is only received in person.

It is essential to follow the Buddhist syllabus established under the guidance of the qualified Lamas who teach it, to try to memorise the root text or parts of it as directed by the Master, and to understand the summarised meaning of the subject. In addition, there is provision for periodic examinations (annual or at such other regular intervals as the Masters may determine). Completion of all aspects of the syllabus includes taking a full approach retreat and ending it with a fire puja, after having received an initiation into any of the four levels of tantra from a qualified Lama.

Those who meet all the requirements of the programme will be issued with a certificate of completion.


Courses and Retreats in Chu Sup Tsang

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