San Amaro (Ourense), March 3, 2024
As you all know, last February 27th a fire broke out inside the main building of our Chu Sup Tsang Monastery which, despite the extraordinary efforts of the emergency services and firefighters, completely burned the entire interior. The most important thing is that there were no personal injuries despite the fact that part of the monastic sangha was inside the building at the time the fire broke out.
For three consecutive days the fire department of Carballiño, with the help of the municipal emergency services of Carballiño and Ribadavia when necessary, had to return up to four times (both during the day and in the early hours of the morning) due to continuous reactivations of the fire, although they were not worrying as far as the main building of the monastery was concerned (since it was considered lost since the 27th), they continued to be a threat to the annex building whose protection has been from the first moment the priority when acting of the firefighters.
As of today, March 3, 2024, the fire is considered to be finally extinguished.
The long road of technical evaluations of structure, bureaucratic procedures, planning for the future, etc. is now open. The monastic sangha of Chu Sup Tsang, with our beloved Master, Ven. GUESHE TENZING TAMDING at the head and also with the help of our Master H.E. NYARE TRITUL RIMPOCHÉ, we are already taking the first steps to recover the "house" that belongs to all of us and the usual presential activity in the expansion of the Dharma as soon as possible.
No doubt this has been a collective karmic outcome loaded with purification and practice opportunity for all of us. The impermanence, the nature of uncertainty about what can happen at any moment, detachment, calm, patience, wisdom, acceptance...
Ahead lies a reconstruction that will take time and obviously material resources. In response to inquiries from many of the disciples inside and outside Spain, as well as for anyone who considers appropriate to collaborate in the reconstruction of what is still the only Buddhist monastery in Galicia, we provide below the account number of the monastery and deeply appreciate any contribution that everyone can make.
A single euro, or even a penny, is valuable and necessary and, of course, means an immeasurable amount of merit for the one who makes the contribution since it is immediately karmically linked to one of the most virtuous actions we can perform: to collaborate in the erection, construction and maintenance of a sacred place from where the Buddha Dharma benefits countless beings. This merit will accompany you beyond death and bring a corresponding result of virtue.
From Chu Sup Tsang Monastery we want to thank all the disciples and friends for your solidarity, generosity, commitment, prayers and dedication of your merits in the obstacle of these days and always.
Also our deep gratitude, admiration and respect to the fire department of Carballiño, to each of its members who have even risked their physical integrity during their dedication to protect Chu Sup Tsang and all that it represents. They have gone beyond the obligation in their actions, empathy and spirit of service to us.
Thanks of course also to the emergency services of Carballiño and Ribadavia who assisted them during these days, to all the agents of the Civil Guard of the Carballiño post who have been, as always, close, diligent and professional.
And heartfelt thanks to all the neighbors of San Amaro, to the professionals of the rural lodging and hotel industry, and to its Council with all those who represent it, because from the first moment they have shown us with their generosity and solidarity that in the face of obstacles and adversity, humanity and altruism spreads much faster than fire.
As far as our Dharma practice and the continuity of the project of our Master VEN. GUESHE TENZING TAMDING to consolidate the Chu Sup Tsang Monastery as a reference in the expansion of Buddhist philosophy in the world, we can only say that, with all certainty, the fire will only have come to clear the way for us. We continue.
On behalf of the entire monastic community of Chu Sup Tsang, Lamas, monks and nuns: THANK YOU! 

To make contributions:
ACCOUNT NUMBER: ES10 0238 8234 1506 03347210
If you wish to make a donation and would like a certificate to be issued for next year's income tax, please make your donation through the Donations form at this link:
Si ya has realizado un donativo en este 2025 y quieres el certificado para la renta del 2026, haznos llegar tus datos fiscales antes de finalizar el 2025 (nombre completo y DNI) al mail secretaria@ fundacionchusuptsang.org
SWIFT CODE (for deposits from outside Spain): BSCHESMM