Meditation Retreats
There are several times during the year when meditation retreats are held at Chu Sup Tsang Monastery in addition to the courses and teaching retreats of the Syllabus. There are at least two TEACHERS' RETREATS per year (PRIVATE; NO NON-ORDAINED PERSONS MAY PARTICIPATE) and in addition, whenever we have the opportunity, at least one NUNG NÉ (meditation, fasting and silence) retreat coinciding with the celebration of the month of SAKADAWA, and tantra retreats accessible to lay practitioners with kriya tantra or lower tantra initiations (Green Tara, etc. ....).
The duration, conditions, dates and costs in the case of retreats open to the public, will be made public through the website and email communications to those who wish to provide them to us.

There are currently no meditation retreats due to the fire on 27 February 2024.