Director and Founder of the Chu Sup Tsang Monastery and Foundation



  • Let us express our good heart with words and with a smile. With a loving heart, the simplest things are coated with a different taste of satisfaction... If we are happy, even a simple glass of fresh water will seem wonderful, while if we are not, even the most sophisticated luxuries will not satisfy us.
    Ven. Lama Geshe Tenzing Tamding

Reconstruction of Chu Sup Tsang Monastery


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Some photos of the state before and after the fire

Chu Sup Tsang Buddhist Monastery

Located in San Amaro Ourense, Galicia

The house that today constitutes the main building of the Chu Sup Tsang (Inexhaustible Source of Wisdom) Monastic complex was purchased in 2008. It is located in the tiny village of Ventoselo, in the municipality of San Amaro, in the province of Ourense. It was originally a traditional Galician rural house, with the stables on the first floor, the inner courtyard, and an upper floor where the original kitchen and bedrooms were located.

Chu Sup Tsang Buddhist Monastery

Video 1st examination and awarding of diplomas at Chu Sup Tsang as part of the ‘Buddhist Studies Programme’. August 2018-2019

  • Let us express our good heart with words and with a smile. With a loving heart, the simplest things are coated with a different taste of satisfaction... If we are happy, even a simple glass of fresh water will seem wonderful, while if we are not, even the most sophisticated luxuries will not satisfy us.
    Ven. Lama Geshe Tenzing Tamding

Every TUESDAY, online Dharma teachings with Tenzing Ngeyung, resident nun at Chu Sup Tsang Monastery (San Amaro, Ourense, Galicia).

Lam Rim teachings (the Gradual Path to Enlightenment taught by Buddha) following our Master's commentary, ‘Source of all virtue vol. 2’. A journey through Buddhist teaching from the ground up to apply in our daily lives, to know our mind, to recognise suffering and its causes, happiness and its causes, and to make our existence a meaningful and peaceful experience. For this and future lives.

These teachings are open and free, you just need to send an email to

YouTube link to the Monastery's channel to access the recorded teachings:

If we want to find peace with others, we must first identify the disturbing factor of peace by investigating within ourselves, in our own mind. If we create positive causes with our behaviour, we will obtain good results or effects. Therefore, in order to find happiness, the first thing to identify is its origin, its cause. A good cause leads to a good effect and, conversely, from a non-positive cause we will get a negative result. Buddhism believes in the relationship between causes and effects; this is not unique to Buddhism, but is a generally accepted fact in the world.

Kiabye Khensur Tamding Gyatso Rimpoche

To purchase the book:

Chu Sup Tsang - Fuente inagotable de Sabiduría

Chu Sup Tsang Buddhist Monastery


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