27 de February de 2024FREE ON-LINE BUDDHISM TEACHINGS, TUESDAY 18:00-20:00h
15 de September de 2024
Tashi Delek
‘The origin of all our negative emotions (delusions) is a wrong perception of the ‘I’, we see it as solid, as self-existent….
We take ‘I’ and ‘mine’ as the CENTRE OF EVERYTHING…, my happiness, my family, my partner, my business…, my, my, my… In this way our interest lies in satisfying ‘I’, in this way we CANNOT achieve true happiness.”El origen de todas nuestras emociones negativas (engaños) es una percepción errónea del “yo”, lo vemos tan sólido, como autoexistente…
Tomamos el “yo” y lo “mío” como el CENTRO DE TODO…, mi felicidad, mi familia, mi pareja, mis negocios…, mi, mi, mi… De esta forma nuestro interés radica en satisfacer al “YO”, de esta forma NO podemos alcanzar una felicidad verdadera.
For the Buddhas and bodhisattvas the ‘I’ is secondary, ‘others’ are PRIMARY. By thinking in this way the mind ‘opens’, becomes more flexible, develops great wisdom. This is the way to permanent happiness.
All suffering and all states of happiness are related to the mind. In order to change our mind, to develop love, compassion, forgiveness, patience…, all achievements or realisations, we need to listen to teachings from a qualified Master, analyse and investigate them and finally put them into daily practice. This is the real antidote to negative minds.
To change our mind we need to follow the Lam Rim, the Buddha’s teachings set out in an orderly way, which gradually instructs us on a path that leads to enlightenment. The ultimate goal is not just to bring everyone out of their suffering, the real goal is to help all beings, our Mothers…’.
Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding