-The Chu Sup Tsang Foundation

What is it?

It is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that works to preserve and disseminate the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, especially those of the Great Master Lama Tsongkapa (15th century), founder of the Guelug tradition and whose highest representative today is His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The fundamental purpose of Buddhism is to help all beings eliminate suffering and develop ultimate happiness.

These teachings have been uninterruptedly transmitted through a lineage of Masters since Buddha Shakyamuni to our Masters Kyabye Khensur Tamding Gyatso Rinpoche and Venerable Geshe Tenzing Tamdiing, president and main promoter of the Chu Sup Tsang Foundation and the CHU SUP TSANG MONASTERY located in Galicia (San Amaro, Ourense).

-Our commitment

What for?

To continue the work begun in Spain by the precious Buddhist spiritual master, Kyabye Khem Geshe Tamding Gyatso Rinpoche (Khen Rinpoche) for the flourishing and preservation of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, culture and religion in Spain and the rest of the world, which promotes respect for human rights and respect for tolerance among all peoples and religions, as well as to consolidate the activity of his spiritual successor in the Lineage Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding, in the continuation of the aforementioned legacy.

2º. The ultimate goal of the Chu Sup Tsang Foundation is for all beings to achieve temporal and ultimate happiness. To this end, the foundation disseminates and teaches a path of realization based on the study, contemplation and meditation of the Dharma, or Buddhist philosophy; this is done on the basis of a series of texts and practices of the Lineage of Khen Rinpoche. These texts and practices, in an organized manner, make up the Foundation's Sutra and Tantra Teaching Program, which represents an invaluable cultural legacy in the development of human values, the defense of the most disadvantaged and the protection of the environment.

3º. The study, research and application of the knowledge, philosophy and culture generated by Tibetan Buddhism according to the lineage of the Guelugpa school founded by the Tibetan Master Tsong Khapa (15th century).

4º. The conservation and dissemination of the philosophical-religious, epistemological, cultural and historical knowledge of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and in particular of this Lineage of Tsong Khapa.

5º. To make this knowledge known among similar institutions, Buddhist and non-Buddhist, such as Universities, Cultural, Philosophical, Spanish and international institutions in relation to current topics about the human mind and other topics related to Tibetan Buddhism and Western science and philosophy.

6º. Study and dissemination of the Tibetan language and culture in Spain and the rest of the world.

7º. To facilitate encounters between different religions and spiritual traditions, in relation to human values in order to promote solidarity, tolerance and peace in Spain and in the world.

8º. To participate in actions of solidarity, preservation and development of the environment at national and international level.

9º. To help preserve and promote the cultural heritage of the Tibetan people (artistic, medical, architectural, handicraft, etc.).

10º. To strengthen the link between the different associated entities in order to maintain contacts and exchange information on the different activities and purposes of the Foundation, which facilitate the development of the same.

11º. To subsidize schools in Tibet or any other country that needs it, to make sponsorships and to subsidize works of charity among the most needy, both in Tibet and in any other country that may need it.


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