17 de August de 2024NEW BOOK:
Source of All Virtue, vol. 6, published by the Chu Sup Tsang Foundation. Available at Chu Sup Tsang Monastery and soon at each Centre of our Master, Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding. 

‘Many times you hold on to the past by thinking negatively, generating sadness, resentment or discouragement. And you often do the same with the present. Instead of trying to approach things in a positive, realistic-optimistic way, your mind tends to be pessimistic, fatalistic about what is happening. And so you also think about the future in a pessimistic, negative way. You are bringing together the complete causes for generating suffering yourself. Reflect on this as often as necessary until you change it.
You say, ‘there are infinite possible objects of my anger, infinite enemies or situations that bring up my rejection or hatred at different levels, I cannot have patience with everyone and in every situation’. But, as Shantideva says, if the entire surface of the earth were full of spikes and you wanted to walk without the spikes hurting you at every step, would it be wise to pretend to find a skin or a carpet that could cover the entire surface of the earth to protect you? Even if you made superhuman efforts, you wouldn’t succeed. It is absurd.
But you can get a small piece of leather that only covers the soles of your feet. Then you can walk anywhere you want, the spikes won’t hurt you wherever you go. Covering your feet will be like covering the whole earth. Abandoning your angry mind will be like having eliminated all your possible enemies, none will be able to harm you anymore.
(Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding, ‘Source of all Virtue, vol. 6’)
Source of All Virtue, vol. 6 is the sixth volume of the collection of texts that compiles the commentary of our Master, Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding, to Kyabye Pabongka Rinpoche’s Lam Rim ‘Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand’.
Paper orders through the web: https://fundacionchusuptsang.org/…/nuevo-fuente-de…/
For PDF orders SPAIN, please contact the secretary of the Chu Sup Tsang Foundation, sending an email to secretaria@fundacionchusuptsang.org
Orders PDF ECUADOR contact Vero and Manu, responsible for Ganden Choeling QUITO. Send email to gandenchoelingquito@hotmail.com
Orders PDF COLOMBIA contact Angela Hurtado, responsible for Ganden Choeling SUGAMUXI. Send email to hurtadoangela@yahoo.com
For PDF orders MEXICO please contact Belen Alonso, responsible for Ganden Choeling MEXICO. Please send an email to budismotibetanomexico@hotmail.com
Chu Sup Tsang Buddhist Monastery
Ventoselo de Beariz, 32455 San Amaro, Ourense, Galicia, Spain.
Info on courses, retreats, activities in Chu Sup Tsang at: www.fundacionchusuptsang.org