15 de September de 2024
20 de November de 2024The “Eight Verses of Mental Training” by Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054-1123) are an invitation to discover the treasure that is hidden within each and everyone of us and that makes us equal to all other beings,each one of these verses is a profound meditation in itself. The eight verses of Lang Ri Dhampa constitute one of the fundamental texts of Lo-yong (training or mental transformation) of Tibetan Buddhism in general, and of the Guelupa lineage in particular.
Even if it is a very high level of training, it does not matter that our level is that of ‘ordinary’ beings with no great achievements, in order to benefit from simply reading or listening to them. Just reading them daily pacifies our mind, reflecting on them in the right way leads us step by step towards that much needed radical transformation of our mind. They are an antidote to selfishness, a cause for the development of our mind of Compassion and Love. The first seven verses refer to Method (the wing of Compassion), the eighth verse refers to the deep understanding of emptiness, the true nature of the self and all phenomena (the wing of Wisdom). Compassion and Wisdom, the two wings to Buddhahood.
In this short 10-minute video our Master, Ven. Geshe Tenzing Tamding, recites this jewel of Buddhism in Tibetan, which is a blessing for the mental continuum of any being who listens to it. It is the oral transmission of a highly realised Lama reciting to us the sound and meaning of a teaching that is brief but incomparable in depth. And incidentally in those 10 minutes we briefly introduce you to the essence of his own life of commitment to all sentient beings and dedication to the Dharma for the benefit of all sentient beings.
Geshe Langri Tangpa’s ‘The Eight Verses’ in English:
1. ‘Determined to derive the greatest possible benefit to help all conscious beings, more precious than the jewel that fulfils all desires, I will at all times hold them most dear.
2. ‘When I am in the company of others, I will place myself below them and, from the bottom of my heart, I will hold them dearest and supreme.
3. ‘In each and every one of my behaviours I will watch my mind and as soon as deceptions arise I will confront and reject them without loss of time, for they do a terrible wrong to me and to others.
4. ‘When I see evil beings, oppressed by negative actions and severe suffering, it is like coming across a treasure of jewels. Because they are so rare to find, I will consider them in this way.
5. ‘When others, motivated by their envy of me, treat me with abuse and disrespect, I will accept defeat and offer victory to others.
6. ‘When someone whom I have benefited and in whom I have high hopes does me terrible harm, I will regard him as an excellent spiritual guide.
7. ‘Finally, I offer all my benefit and happiness to my mothers and I will secretly assume all their evil deeds and sufferings’.
8. ‘Perceiving that all phenomena are illusory, I will maintain this practice. Cleansed of the taint of the eight worldly darmas, I will free all sentient beings from the control of their delusions and karma’.