COMMUNICATION FROM THE MONASTERY-CHU SUP TSANG FOUNDATION San Amaro (Ourense), March 3, 2024 As you all know, last February 27th a fire broke out inside the […]
Short 5-minute excerpts that gather the concentrated nectar of Great Teachings of Buddhism; by Ven. Master Geshe Tenzing Tamding Some people have asked on more than […]
The “Eight Verses of Mental Training” by Geshe Langri Tangpa (1054-1123) are an invitation to discover the treasure that is hidden within each and everyone of […]
Every TUESDAY, online Dharma teachings with Tenzing Ngeyung, resident nun at Chu Sup Tsang Monastery (San Amaro, Ourense, Galicia). Lam Rim teachings (the Gradual Path to […]